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- 03 / 09 / 2022 -

Much has happened in the past two weeks as Russia invades Ukraine, hacking satellites is defined by the Russian space agency as an act of war, a group called NB65 claims to have shut down space agency servers, Alex cautions against accessing systems without authorization, the possible unintended consequences of certain actions, Russian television channels are hacked with pro-Ukrainian messages, how people in Russia face 15 years in prison for not echoing the official version of what's going on, how the call sign of a super yacht was changed, Alex provides some details on Russian cyber operations in Ukraine, Emmanuel's experience dealing with bullies, the concept of mobbing in the bird community, the unprecedented reaction to the invasion from around the world, the possibility of Russia leaving the Internet, debating whether there's a vibrant tech community in Russia, wondering if it would be possible to completely remap the Internet within a country, Emmanuel demonstrates Ukrainian interval signals, how these can be used as ring tones, the valuable information that can be found at russianembassy.net, ways that Russians are flouting restrictions, a Twitter thread which focuses on the death of a Russian general which reveals a major technological flaw in the Russian operation, how things really aren't going Russia's way and why this won't improve in the future, BBC brings back shortwave, the power of radio, the Ukrainian entry to last year's Eurovision Song Contest.

Overtime: Alex goes missing and comes back with a pile of wood, Kyle and Emmanuel remember all of the places they visited that are now in the headlines, remembering what it was like to see a film in Bucharest, details of the two times Kyle and Emmanuel visited Ukraine, the differences between pro-Western and pro-Russian demonstrators in Kyiv, the method Kyle and Emmanuel used to get out of Ukraine when there were no trains available for a week, Alex reveals that he recently tested positive for COVID-19, it's reported that 95 percent of adults in New York State have gotten at least one shot, thoughts on the Freedom Convoy and what some of them are saying about the Ukraine situation and Putin, how it's also become a far left talking point to not hold Putin as accountable as the United States, a caller who's paying for the call, revealing the toll-free number, why calls can't be taken over the air, why the show can't be in the studio at the moment, thoughts on the Russian invasion and the Internet, the air raid sirens in Kyiv are going off live, comparing what sirens mean in the local area, how shortwave worked behind the Iron Curtain, what can be learned by looking at a map of the Black Sea, more thoughts from a caller on the trucker protest in Washington DC, weirdness in some of the statements being overheard, thoughts on the nuclear threat, the danger of not doing enough, why there isn't a chat window during the shows, a possible compromise that could have prevented the current conflict, Alex shares more theories on russianembassy.net, a call for help from the hacker community for what's going on in Ukraine and Russia.

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March 9
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- 03 / 16 / 2022 -

Emma Best from Distributed Denial of Secrets is tonight's guest, Meta is allowing calls for violence on its platforms in certain countries with regards to the Russian invasion, figuring out what "indicators of credibility" are, how it's harder than ever to access Russia Today, Alex and Gila outline the potential danger in this new Meta policy, how this isn't being permitted in other hotspots, how Section 230 immunity is achieved, Anonymous has sent seven million text messages to citizens in Russia, surveillance cameras have also been hacked into, a rundown of the activities that Anonymous has been involved in, how facts are being withheld from the Russian public, Alex explains the risk of engaging in activities like Anonymous is, how our perceptions are invariably inaccurate, videos on YouTube from an organization called 1420 provide insight on the Russian public, Emmanuel outlines the risk of being too cautious, the Russian agency responsible for censoring material is hacked, Emma provides some clarification on what actually happened with this hack, how Russian speakers can help with what Distributed Denial of Secrets is doing, how torrents work, how Twitter bans any link to ddosecrets.com in either private or public messages, examples of how this policy isn't uniformly enforced, ways of getting around the restriction, Emma's connection is lost, how people can help.

Overtime: Trying not to talk over each other, questions for Emma, why it's important to have multiple leaking organizations, the entire connection to YouTube is lost, Kyle and Emmanuel are talking to nobody, connecting to Alex over the phone, the connection is reestablished, Emma's thoughts on SecureDrop, how Wikileaks helped get the conversation started, thoughts on Cryptome, how Anonymous can be defined, how the information that's been released so far has been really harmful to the invaders, a note about the YouTube archive, a caller has an update on the trucker convoy near Washington DC, Rebel's imitations of the phone system, the Foot Locker channel, a question about the music in Starbucks, memories of TV-B-Gone, Rob explains how the 2600 meetings have been working lately, the tragedy of Hotel Pennsylvania, an appeal to a hacker who owns seven billion dollars in Bitcoin, a listener from a retirement community reports on Squad303 and a project to email people in Russia, the plan to make Daylight Savings Time permanent, how Europe has made Standard Time permanent, trying to figure out how this affects Bobson from Bulgaria, Kyle gets a settlement check from AT&T for a surprising amount, more Russian data is being released on Distributed Denial of Secrets tomorrow.

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March 16
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Off The Hook Overtime
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Off The Hook Overtime is also available on the Channel2600 YouTube channel here:


- 03 / 23 / 2022 -

A piece of listener mail from Finland, the Finnish perspective on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the staggering death toll of Russian troops so far, reaction to stupid accusations in response to recent shows, a rundown of some of the media outlets covering this story, calling out Russia Today propaganda, people who adjust their argument based on who they agree with, how similar accusations came about during the COVID crisis, Alex reports on a massive hack out of Brazil, what the Okta hack is all about, how this is a massive breach, details on the development system that was compromised, a database of oligarch wealth has been put together by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project and journalists, some history of the project, OCCRP head of research Karina Shedrofsky joins the discussion, Karina describes how this came together, how people can access the database, the challenge of getting past LLCs that oligarchs hide behind, how leaks like the Panama Papers and Paradise Papers have been really helpful in piercing through this, the Ministry of Justice of the Russian government responds by labeling OCCRP as an undesirable organization that must leave the country, Karina reveals some of the most popular locations where wealth is being hidden, how New York factors in, when sanctions prove to be effective, how planes connected to oligarchs have been deregistered, the possibility of crowdsourcing info on things like super yachts, how Karina got involved in plane tracking, how people can get involved, the show won't be on next week, Alex has a special shout out, some HOPE updates.

Overtime: Trying to pin down the reverb, analyzing Karina's appearance on the show, when rich people can no longer play with their toys, how the seizing of assets will prove to be an effective strategy, the issue of agreeing with the government position, a listener shares a story about a JavaScript developer who introduced a security vulnerability that affects computers in Russia and Belarus, a rundown of the various versions and how they're affected, the risk of updating versus not updating software, how this conflict could provide an opportunity for enemy equipment to be examined in detail, looking forward to HOPE, what's involved in getting there from Ontario, the ongoing destruction of Hotel Pennsylvania, Emmanuel's problem with Google's spam filter, Rebel reports on a new volume issue, Kyle explains how this could be happening, Rebel imitates some phone equipment, problems with Signal, Emmanuel is effectively kicked off Facebook for having a high profile account, how Facebook's own system doesn't work, the Beijing Olympic caller is back, assessing global media coverage of the invasion, the state of journalism today, the NRA reveals it was hacked last year apparently by Russians, Alex tries to tell a joke, suggestions on how listeners can spend their free time next week.

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March 23
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Off The Hook Overtime is also available on the Channel2600 YouTube channel here:


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