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- 04 / 05 / 2023 -

Reggie tries to keep it light and positive, Cory Doctorow joins the show tonight, Cory has a new book called "Red Team Blues" about to come out, why the publishing of this book is exposing some unfair behavior on the part of Amazon, what the audio book service known as Audible is and isn't doing, how Cory became aware of the injustice that Audible perpetrates, Cory's inspiration from when the Electronic Frontier Foundation got involved in the 2600 DECSS lawsuit in 2000, the penalty Cory would face for providing a tool to unlock his own audio book from Amazon's DRM, what's challenging about bypassing Amazon, the cutting off of Kindle magazine subscriptions by Amazon, an example of how Amazon is able to appear generous while penalizing the authors, how it was possible for authors to get negative sales, Alex reveals that Judge Kaplan from the DECSS case is presiding over the Sam Bankman-Fried trial, the harm that Amazon has caused to cities everywhere, the bullet that was dodged in New York City, the exclusive Audible book that Cory published which is about Audible ripping people off, an excerpt from Wil Wheaton's reading of Cory's new book, how this book is the beginning of a series, backshadowing a story, some early reviews of the book, the divisiveness of crypto, Cory's advice for young writers, the secret of writing every day.

Overtime: Cory's tour is about to begin, discussing whether the rapid evolution of technology ever outpaces the written word, Cory's view on ChatGPT and so-called artificial intelligence, how sampling now works with major record labels, what the future may look like regarding machine-learning material and copyright, reaction to a letter sent out by technology giants wanting a six-month pause on AI chatbots, Cory points out the hypocrisy in this position, Bing now has a presence on Skype, some new perspective on Luddites, how Taylor Swift dealt with injustice regarding her original recordings, setting up a decent listener phone call for Cory, the recent court decision against Internet Archive, remembering Omni, more on the problems with Amazon regarding writers, why Amazon bookstores just don't feel right, challenging Rebel as to whether he's a robot, Kyle describes some of the spam that comes to his phone, there will be a 2600 meeting this Friday, the power that people have to fight Amazon policies, Zap announces a new 2600 meeting in Cheltenham, Alex mentions a different way of crossing London, Alex describes the Battersea Power Station, where to find the best audio copies of the shows.

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April 5
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- 04 / 12 / 2023 -

Words from Reggie, everyone denies any responsibility for the recent massive leaks, realizing that Rob and Gila aren't in this week, outlining some of the material that has been revealed, a synopsis of the leaks by Bellingcat, the strange connection to Minecraft, Alex describes what's unusual about this case, some of the more well known instances of leaks in recent years, how Discord is involved, a Discord server called "Minecraft Earth Map" hosted classified documents for a while without being detected, how collections of files are often passed around long before they're discovered by the mainstream, how some of these recent documents appear to have been doctored, how all of this seems to point to amateurs, the issue of documents appearing to have been photographed, how there appears to be an agenda here, the connection to racist tropes and memes as well as Orthodox Christianity, how this could adversely affect Ukraine's war effort, a sensitive document related to Biden's visit to Northern Ireland is lost and found on the streets of Belfast, Emmanuel's conversation with Google Bard that brought attention to an inaccurate history of 2600 Magazine as well as a completely fictitious documentary about 2600, quoted reviews that don't exist from major newspapers, what this says about artificial intelligence, NPR has left Twitter after being labeled as state-affiliated media and government-funded media, a similar story involving the BBC, an extended notice for an upcoming Pacifica meeting.

Overtime: More thoughts on the NPR controversy, wondering why Fox News can't be categorized as "right wing media,' why categorizing NPR as left wing isn't entirely accurate, Rebel is at a hackerspace in New York City called Fat Cat Fab Lab, a report from last Friday's 2600 meeting, tracking down the thief of Rebel's electric bicycle, Alex suggests a trick used to find people's identities online using their phone numbers, how to prevent falling victim to this trick, how forging Caller ID can get different results, some facts about lending and theft, how to find the perpetrator through social media, recommending the film "Bicycle Thief," Emmanuel's memory of lending a bike as a kid, memories of old mail order advertisements, a caller discusses media bias, trying to remember the toll-free number, revisiting the policy of not giving out listeners' full names, Alex describes the boulders in Hickory Run State Park in Pennsylvania, an adventure trying to fix a flat tire, more on misuse of large language models, an idea for an artificial intelligence cookbook, some more thoughts on the leaks, predictions on when the leaker will be caught.

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April 12
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Off The Hook Overtime
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Off The Hook Overtime is also available on the Channel2600 YouTube channel here:


- 04 / 19 / 2023 -

Trouble hearing people in Skypeland, a new setup is likely to blame, some listener mail, the show will not be on next week, learning how to dial with a switchhook, the problems with audio persist, facts about the Battersea Power Station in London, the issue with upgrading, when upgrades aren't necessary, how this all ties into the system in the United States, the lack of vital upgrades in our system of government, waiting for the Supreme Court to make a huge decision on abortion pills, how a single judge in Texas was able to disrupt lives in every state, the harm caused by the electoral college, how gerrymandering gives undue power to the minority, the unbalanced distribution of power in the senatorial system that gives the same amount of representation to sparsely and heavily populated states, the futility of trying to interpret words written hundreds of years ago for modern times, the virtual impossibility of making changes and updates, questioning whether it's even possible to upgrade the current system, the possibility of trying something new, continuing issues hearing Rob and Gila, a response from Alex on Emmanuel's critique of our current system, the problems are finally fixed, Kyle tries to explain what happened, the irony of Skype forcing an update to the system while Emmanuel was discussing updates, Alex describes the harm caused by "forum shopping," the issue of Congress being responsible for preventing these issues, the inability to update the Constitution, how the gun issue was foreseen in the past, the problem with being perpetual victims, debating the need for a major reboot, discussing the inability of the system to check itself, Gila describes an issue on an airplane involving Rob's pro-choice t-shirt, the unlikely inspiration that came out of Tennessee, how this whole discussion came about as a result of the technical difficulties, Texas is considering a bill to make it illegal to even share information on how to get abortions, there will be more discussion on "Overtime."

Overtime: A much smoother start to this segment, a story about the death of printed computer magazines, how 2600 is described as a fanzine in the article, Rob and Gila discover 2600 in a grocery store in Wisconsin, a fire engine interrupts the conversation, the challenges that publications like 2600 are facing with companies like Google and Amazon, the weirdness of being survivors in a once huge world of technology and publishing, a reader comment on the article about computer magazines, Rebel describes how he got his bike back, Emmanuel is frustrated by the lack of real answers in this story, an update to last week's leaker story, Kyle guessed closest as to when the leaker would be caught, listener memories of shops that sold magazines, what makes printed publications more useful, thoughts on the settlement between Dominion and Fox News, comparing how people like Alex Jones are treated in the courts to those who have far less money, a call from Kansas, why it's not always important to argue a point of view, closing thoughts on upgrades to our system, Alex remembers BOFH files, the ChatGPT definition of BOFH.

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April 19
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Off The Hook Overtime
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Off The Hook Overtime is also available on the Channel2600 YouTube channel here:


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