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- 10 / 04 / 2023 -

Emergency alerts were tested today on cell phones and broadcast stations, Emmanuel reports on how various local stations aired the test, memories of the test in 2018, the last Maker Faire in New York City also took place that long ago, why those gatherings were so important, Maker Faire will return to New York City this weekend, three guests (Elijah Horland, Scott Schubert, and Becky Button) from Maker Faire join the conversation, Becky's words on the ending of Maker Faire in 2019, Scott is the chief executive officer of Maker Faire Coney Island, how Scott first heard of Maker Faire on "Off The Hook," what Scott remembered from previous Maker Faires, what was particularly special about Coney Island, what it means to Becky to have Maker Faire back, Becky's DIY software-based guitar pedal, how Elijah got involved with Maker Faire and "Mythbusters Jr.," what Becky's Wi-Fi deauthing sandals do, the "Mr. Robot" connection, Scott discusses how to avoid the pitfalls of the previous Maker Faire, how Coney Island turned into the new location, encouraging people to take public transportation, the potential for the boardwalk and the beach, Elijah will be running a learn-to-solder booth, how Alex's son saw an R2D2 replica at Maker Faire, Girls Who Hack will be teaching lockpicking, Becky discusses how to overcome the barriers to entry and how those have changed over the years, details on where and when Maker Faire will be taking place, the hopes of the organizers for this weekend, what the response has been like so far, plans to drive the 2600 van to the event, a new album is out from Don Letts, a piece featuring John Cusack.

Overtime: A continuation of the Maker Faire discussion, the media coverage so far, the status of other Maker Faires around the country, how people can start Maker Faires in their area, what's advantageous about the Coney Island community, some of the history of this neighborhood, the right to repair movement and how it relates here, the importance of knowing how to fix things, the possible involvement of AI technology this weekend, the importance of breaking things and learning how to improve them, why the YouTube chat is turned off this week, how people can get involved, Alex is dealing with a bear outside his house, memories of Maker Faires in London, a reminder about 2600 meetings this week, info on Muppets at the Maker Faire, how it's still possible to be a vendor at Maker Faire, more about Becky's music, a workshop on how to build Becky's guitar pedals, where people can stay near the site, a parallel to the HOPE conference now being in Queens, final words and contact info, the show will not be on next week.

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October 4
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Off The Hook Overtime
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Off The Hook Overtime is also available on the Channel2600 YouTube channel here:


- 10 / 18 / 2023 -

Kyle and Emmanuel get multiple vaccines and are starting to feel the effects, encouraging listeners to get their shots, Gila shares info on the need for longer needles, why it's never been more important than now to check your sources, Emmanuel has a run-in on Mastodon for mentioning the death of a thousand Palestinian children, how chaos.social insisted that such remarks had to be filtered, the overattention devoted to not upsetting people, a look at some of the rules and how they impede speech, Rob explains the concept of content warnings on Mastodon, Gila's parallel to deodorant, Emmanuel's objections to having to label his own words, discussing whether filters would be better used on the reader's end, clarifying what Alex agrees and disagrees with, Rob explains how the content warnings can be beneficial, a report on Bluesky, the problem with responsiveness, the issue of impersonation on Bluesky, Mayor Eric Adams of New York City is found to be making AI-generated phone calls in foreign languages he doesn't speak, debating whether there's an ethics issue here, how there doesn't seem to be much concern over the robocall aspect of this, listener mail, info on the intro, more from the new Don Letts release.

Overtime: Kyle knocks into the microphone hard, Alex disappears without notice, Emmanuel expects to be looking for a new Mastodon instance, a famous time signal from Canada signs off, how this was officially a radio program, some words from the person whose voice was used for the recordings, how digital transitions led to the phasing out of this service, how consumer "atomic clocks" are actually the hardest to keep accurate, memories of school clocks, listening to a recording of the time signal in question, an update on a listener AI archive project for "Off The Hook," looking up transcripts from the past, acknowledging the efforts of the people running chaos.social on Mastodon, where to find the CHU Canadian time station, new guidelines concerning rules of engagement for hacktivists and states, a rundown of these rules, Alex and Kyle discuss the ramifications of this, playing an excerpt from CHU, missing TV stations that used to sign off the air, how Emmanuel was able to find distant television stations, how this is still possible on AM radio, memories of New York City television stations that Emmanuel couldn't receive in his childhood, memories of a "Police Commissioner" film that would play every day on WNYC-TV, more comments on Eric Adams' phone calls, an update on the aftereffects of the vaccines for Kyle and Emmanuel, Gila reports that a listener in Nigeria is on the chat, a caller from the past and why she wasn't allowed to call in, sharing info on how to get vaccine access in the area, a WBAI election question, Alex's idea for a radio show, 2600 has delivered digital subscriptions for the very first time.

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October 18
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Off The Hook Overtime
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Off The Hook Overtime is also available on the Channel2600 YouTube channel here:


- 10 / 25 / 2023 -

There will be a special guest tonight, Emmanuel gets kicked off of chaos.social after last week's show, what he refused to do, where Emmanuel can now be found on Mastodon, realizing that Mastodon isn't necessarily the best place for freedom of speech, Gila has an update on the OMNY fare system, listener letters, answering critiques about the content of the show, encouraging people to complain, defining "hate," responding to COVID criticism, how the hacker perspective can improve almost any situation, Kyle describes how politics and technology mix, an update on the listener-built transcript of every show using artificial intelligence, the prospect of having the show translated into different languages using everyone's actual voices, Emmanuel gets a hostile-sounding postcard from the Democratic Party of Suffolk County, Welton Chang from Human Rights First and Pyrra joins the discussion, Welton describes what's important about these times, the difference between misinformation and disinformation, how social media can reach more people than mainstream media, analyzing a recent explosion at a hospital in Gaza and how Al Jazeera did a bad job with its reporting, the way the story continues to change, the increase is anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim imagery on the Internet, how to differentiate anti-Semitic attacks from those who are criticizing the Israeli government, whether having an advantage or disadvantage lends itself to spreading false news.

Overtime: Continuing the discussion, which media source tends to be more reliable, how to judge sources, how the Chinese have a vast amount of info on everyone, the hacking of 23andMe, concern over deep fakes and whether that threat has presented itself yet, the prevailing amount of disinformation that exists today, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency finds itself the target of the hard right despite having been set up by Trump, Alex realizes his latest column in 2600 is already out, the art of training for deep fakes, how everyone on the show would be an easy target for having their voices used in deep fakes, what a Simon mall is, progress is made selecting a speaker for the House of Representatives as well as with the auto workers' strike, a listener question about EAS tests, one of the real dangers of nationwide EAS tests, Rebel is tying up the phone line, contact info for Welton, what Pyrra means, trying to avoid a conversation about hotel chains, reports of AI-generated Bob Marley songs, HOPE XV hasn't been officially announced yet, Rebel is now banned for the next show, how to get the Pyrra newsletter, Rob sees what has become of the Hotel Pennsylvania site, why HOPE would have been at St. John's University regardless of the hotel's fate.

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October 25
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Off The Hook Overtime
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Off The Hook Overtime is also available on the Channel2600 YouTube channel here:


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